Emergency Communications

As emergency communications is called the assistance of radio amateurs in emergencies and disasters. Radio amateurs can then support Emergency service or forward received emergency calls to them.

Ich an der Feldvermittlung

I on a field telephone exchange for 10 field telephones and 2 analog trunks. On the switching unit is a 2m / 70cm radio, an SWR meter for CB and an CB handheld radio. In addition to the exchange unit you see a piece of the C-Phone (a mobile CB transceiver) and a base station antenna.

In the future there will be a page about emergency communications in amateur radio here.

UAV Aerial view of a car fire, transmitted by DN0TEL.

UAV Aerial view of a car fire, transmitted using SSTV by DN0TEL (radio trailer / mobile radio unit of the Association Notfunk Deutschland e.V.)